It was the third day in South Sudan and we were traveling down a "highway" leaving Juba. Suddenly our driver told me to put my camera away, but it was too late. About 50 meters down the road a soldier with his intimidating AK-47 had already seen my camera that was resting on my camera bag on top of my lap in the front passenger seat. Even though I had special permission and a nice new badge stating "international press", what ensued was a confrontation between the soldier and driver who ended up hitting our driver, took my badge and hauled us into a dodgy shack that was some kind of military office. I knew I wasn't meant to film or photograph near military or police, but they pop out from nowhere and I was too late not seeing the soldier by the side of the road. After we sucked up to the officials and doing everything to make them feel in charge the whole vibe swung around to them thanking us for coming to South Sudan and serving the people of this country, almost apologising. Driving away with the adrenaline still pumping through my veins I looked at our driver and asked him if this is always how it goes. He nodded and said that with the military and police it is always escalation and then a turnaround and de-escalation, with everything.
Apparently filming and photography is kind of taboo in South Sudan especially in bigger towns and cities and even the normal citizen in the street will make a fuzz when they see you, doing everything they can to attract the attention of police or military to get you into trouble. The country has a very over sensitive security situation. Needless to say I didn't take a lot of photos. In the end I mostly did video for the non-profit who brought me to South Sudan. I love Africa, love her people and South Sudan was no exception. But when it comes to those in charge of the beautiful countries of Africa I mostly have no respect for the abusive leadership who oppresses her. Anyway, my belly ache out of the way here are a few photos I did take.
