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The Lockdown Project - Day 15 - Good Friday distractions, Twitter and punching Christians

Writer: Charl FolscherCharl Folscher

So here we are friends. It is Good Friday at home, during an unprecedented time in our history and for me the only thing that provides peace is that God knows me and I can know Him through Jesus' passion for us all the way to the cross. I intended to start the day by listening to Every Nation Somerset West’s online Good Friday devotional/service. But you know then there is Twitter and in typical distracted fashion I browsed through it during the countdown for the online service.

I ended on a post that frustrated me quite intensely. I did include the details of the tweet here in my blog post but I thought it would not allow some people to look beyond the specifics of the tweet to the point I want to make. And the point of this post is not if the statement in the tweet was right or wrong. It’s about the stupid distraction it caused. And you know Twitter surely provides a lot of that polarizing distracting nonsense we don’t need anymore off at this point in time. Twitter is like this constant barrage of fighting one another, and stating opinions. Now I am a Christian and it seems Christian are literally the worst on Twitter. Our constant need to correct and be self-righteous is unattractive and off putting. And wrong. As I was sitting on my couch listening to my brother-in-law the thought hit me. Whatever our political, medical, parenting, social, economic and historical views are, Jesus looks beyond that and see our hearts and souls and reveals Himself, His love to us. Regardless of what we believe otherwise if we believe we are sinners in need of God’s grace and realize the only way for that is through Jesus we are on the same page and on the same side of salvation. And those who find salvation and grace through Jesus are brothers and sister. If we like it or not. After all we are called to love our neighbours right? Even if they believe nonsense, of course it’s only my opinion. 

Calling my point of view only an opinion, even if it is a strong one takes the edge off my self-righteousness and opens up a small gap of teachability. Maybe just maybe I am wrong or at least don’t have the full truth and understanding of the scope of things. It gets a little tricky when fellow Christians claim that their opinion is actually God’s opinion. In my humanity I admittedly sometimes day dream about punching other Christians when they have this attitude. There it is! I suck. The Christian wants to punch other Christians. And that is the point. We all do. That is we all suck. 🙂We all need Jesus’ love and grace desperately and if we are willing to put His call of the Gospel in front of everything else we could disagree and still love. We could still reach the world together with what matters. Not with politics, economic policies or social polices, but with Jesus. And the way Jesus changes the world is through His church. That is us folks. He doesn’t need us but He wants us to use our hands, feet and mouths to tell the world what He did for us on the cross. The ultimate human illness is not Covid19. It is our sin and how it separates us from God. Our vaccine for that is Jesus who covers our sins, sees our hearts and saves our souls.  

For my unsaved friends I know claiming that God is good in such painful times feel very problematic. But His goodness is not what He does for our temporary bodies on this earth. It is His eternal work for the preserving of our souls. 

Have a good Easter Weekend at home everyone and keep praying for our countries and leadership!

PS. I am so glad I didn’t reply to that tweet. Well I did but immediately deleted it. I really hate Twitter. Maybe it's time to get off the twit of social media. If you found this blog through a link on Twitter then you know I did not. ;)



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